Commissioner George Domurat
At the January 15, 2025 Regular Board Meeting Commissioner Domurat was voted Vice President until the end of 2025. In 2023 and 2024 he served as Board Secretary.
Commissioner Domurat George has been a resident of Pacifica since 1980. He graduated from Old Dominion University with an MS degree in Oceanography and Civil Engineering. He started his professional career as a Project Manager with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers(USACE), San Francisco District, involved in developing studies and projects for all coastal and navigation activities. He has over 42 years experience with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in the areas of Coastal Planning, Coastal Engineering, Navigation Design and Coastal Structure/Harbor Channel Maintenance, Dredging, and beneficial reuse Dredge Material. He served as Coastal Program specialist for San Francisco District including research scientist at the Bay Model and was Chief of the Coastal Engineering group at Los Angeles District. At the South Pacific Division, he has worked in Navigation and Coastal Planning, Coastal and Water Resources Engineering and Navigation Operations and Maintenance. Before retiring from his full time position, he was the Chief of the Operations/Regulatory Program Team and the Navigation Business Line Manager. He also led the national team in the development of the USACE Coastal Navigation Structures Asset Management Program.
George is currently President and CEO of Coastal Resilience Consulting, LLC, and has just completed working with the Institute of Water Resources, USACE, finalizing the National Shoreline Management Study (NSMS) regional reports for California and Hawaii and assisting in preparation of a national report to Congress on the NSMS providing technical data and recommendation for the Nation’s shorelines.
He is a past President of the California Shore and Beach Preservation Association and a past Vice President of American Shore and Beach. He is also a member of the California Marine Affairs and Navigation Conference. He enjoys surfing, hiking and martial arts.