If you would like to draw district boundaries, please feel free to use this map. The numbers indicate the population in the Census tract as of the last Census (2010). Per the CVRA guidelines, each district should have the same size of population (geographical size is not a factor for this CVRA-mandated process). The population of San Mateo County during the last Census was about 780,000. Therefore, each of the five districts should have a population between 140,000 & 147,000 to stay within the commonly allowed 5% deviation.
To determine feasibility of proposed districts, other factors are considered by the independent demographer assisting with the process. The presentation by this demographer, Redistricting Partners, specializing in redistricting, can be viewed here. Also, a video of this presentation can be viewed here.
Note: “House” icons indicate incumbent Commissioner residences. Each district will have one Commissioner. This Commissioner will be required to reside in the district.
Print out either the color or black and white maps below to draw in your own sample district, using the criteria above.
When completed, scan and send your district map suggestion(s) by September 9th to:
- info@smharbor.com
- deliver in person to the Harbor District Admin Office, 504 Avenue Alhambra, El Granada, 94018
- USPS mail to P.O. Box 1449, El Granada, CA 94018.