Pillar Point Harbor - Restaurant/Retail Sidewalk Expansion Project - Closed July 11, 2018
Contract awarded to: Golden Bay Construction
Bid Results
Bid Opening - July 11, 2018 - Restaurant-Retail Sidewalk Expansion Project.pdfNote: Addendum No.1.
2018-06-27-SMCHD PPH -Addendum 1-es (003).pdfPre-Bid Sign-in Sheet below:
Pre-Bid_Sign-In_Sheet_June-20,2018.pdfPUBLIC NOTICE - INVITATION TO BID
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the San Mateo County Harbor District will receive sealed bids for the Pillar Point Harbor – Restaurant/Retail Sidewalk Expansion Project. The District invites qualified contractors to bid on Restaurant/Retail Sidewalk Expansion Project at Pillar Point Harbor, located north of Half Moon bay, adjacent to the unincorporated community of Princeton. The work consists of expanding the Pillar Point Harbor’s concrete promenade along business front from approximately 9 feet of concrete seating/sidewalk to approximately 20 feet. This change will also lead to ADA upgrades within the parking lot as well as parking reconfiguration. ADA upgrades will include ramp, sidewalk and parking stall upgrades. Additional work consists of resurfacing parking lot via slurry seal, rehabilitating failed areas in pavement via asphalt concrete digout repair, and replacing two storm drain pipes in the parking lot via pipe bursting. The objective of this project is to allow the surrounding businesses to continue with their day-to-day operation and maintain public safety. Prospective Bidders are directed to the San Mateo County Harbor District’s website for construction documents and further information.
Sealed Bid Proposals shall be submitted to the San Mateo County Harbor District, Administration Office, no later than 2:00 p.m. PST July 11, 2018, at 504 Avenue Alhambra, 2nd Floor, El Granada, CA 94018.
NOTE: The U.S. Post Office does not deliver to this address. The San Mateo County Harbor District will not be responsible for the timely receipt of bids sent to the District’s mailing address.
PROJECT BID SPECIFICATIONS AND CONTRACT DOCUMENTS ARE IMMEDIATELY AVAILABLE at the San Mateo County Harbor District, 504 Avenue Alhambra, 2nd Floor, El Granada, CA 94018 or on the District’s website at www.smharbor.com (see below) Phone 650-741-9163.
A MANDATORY pre-bid conference will be held on June 20, 2018 at 10:30 a.m. at the Office of the Harbor Master at 1 Johnson Pier, Half Moon Bay, CA 94019. The job walk is mandatory for the contractor’s bid to be considered responsive.
Bid and Material & Labor Bonds are required as part of this agreement.
The District reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to waive any irregularities therein. The award of this contract shall be made to the lowest responsible and responsive bidder. No proposals will be accepted by facsimile or electronic mail.