Resolutions - 2016
22-16 - NOT USED
23-16 Requesting the Board of Supervisors of SMC to hold and conduct the election in the manner prescribed in Section 10418 of the Election Code.pdf24-16(7-20-16) Resolution for Employer Paid Member Contributions (Classic Post July 1, 2009) (2).pdf24-16(8-3-16) Requesting Approval of District Policy 6.2.5, Titled Harassment, Discrimination, and Retaliation Prevention.pdf25-16 Commissioner Travel Expense Reimbursements.pdf26-16 Approving the Establishment of a reserve policy for the SMCHD.pdf28-16 Adopt a Revised Conflict of Interest Code of the SMCHD w Matrix.pdf29-16 Resolution by the SMCHD BoC Commissioners Relative to the HMBYC Dock Expansion and Pier Project.pdf30-16 Approval of an Application for Prop 84 Grant Funding from CA Ocean Protection Council for the planning of the Pilot Surfers Beach Sand Replenishment Project.pdf31-16 Revise Ordinances of the SMCHD to reflect Current Staff Organization w Matrix.pdf33-16 Destruction or Disposal of Records.pdf34-16 Revise Ordinance 2.30.030 of the SMCHD w Matrix.pdfResolution No. 35-16 - A Resolution of the (Governing Body) of SMCHD Approving the Form of and Authorizing the Execution of a MOU and Authorizing Participation in the SDRMA's Health Benefits Program.pdf36-16 SMCHD Resolution Oil Spill Response Equipment Grant Program Agreement with the CA DFW.pdf37-16_AmendResolution 03-15 to Establish Regular Meeting Locations of the SMCHD.pdf38-16_Amend Reso 04-14 to Change the Location and Regular Meeting Date Each Month of the SMCHD.pdf